After an extended recess due to the winter weather, House members are back at the Capitol.
On Monday, the House passed SB236, which exempts unemployment benefits paid in 2020 and 2021 from state income tax. Last year, due to the pandemic, more than 280,000 Arkansans received unemployment benefits. Currently, state income taxes are not withheld.
The House also passed a bill to addressing withholdings in future years. HB1049 allows the state to withhold state income taxes from unemployment benefits starting in 2022.
The House also passed the following bills this afternoon:
HB1361-This bill would exempt COVID-19 relief loans for small businesses, such as the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), from state income tax.
HB1063-This bill allows the expanded use of telemedicine in the state to continue after the current emergency order expires.
HB1317-This bill makes it a Class D felony to steal a postal package from the porch or premises of a residence. Currently, the offense is a misdemeanor.
The House will convene again on Tuesday at 1 pm.