The House State Agencies Committee advanced legislation addressing petitions for constitutional amendments. HB1489 would remove the attorney general’s office from the process of developing ballot titles. It would also make violating rules on signature collection a Class D felony.
The State Agencies Committee also advanced HB1492 which allows high school students to volunteer as poll workers.
The House Rules Committee advanced several pieces of legislation including SB256 which states an elected state official cannot be a lobbyist.
The Rules Committee also advanced SB249 which increases fines from the Ethics Commission from $2,000 to $3,500.
The House Aging, Children and Youth, Legislative, and Military Affairs Committee advanced HB1488 which prohibits one-to-one solicitation initiated by lawyer and/or lawyer’s representative to a pregnant woman in order pay or influence an individual into child adoption.
The House Insurance and Commerce Committee advanced SB309. This bill prohibits life insurers from discriminating against living organ donors.
The House will reconvene on Thursday at 1:30 pm.