The House State Agencies committee advanced HJR1018. This is a proposed constitutional amendment which would permanently extend a ½ cent sales tax for the purpose of funding state highways. The current ½ sales tax funding highways are set to expire in 2023. If this resolution passes both chambers, it would be on the ballot for voter approval in November 2020.
The State Agencies Committee also began hearing proposals for additional constitutional amendments.The House Rules Committee advanced HB1519. This bill increases the minimum age for tobacco and vapor products from 18 to 21. Exemptions are made in the bill for active military.
The House Aging, Children and Youth, Legislative and Military Affairs committee advanced HB1522 which ensures that soldiers and airmen of the Arkansas National Guard are afforded the same benefits and protections as active duty soldiers when they are called on state active duty.
The House Agriculture, Forestry, and Economic Development Committee advanced HB1407. This bill requires truth in labeling of agricultural products that are edible. The bill states the seller cannot sell the product under the name of another food.
The House Insurance and Commerce Committee advanced HB1525 which requires owners of chiropractic clinics to be a licensed chiropractor, mirroring requirements of the medical community.
Committees will meet at 10 am on Thursday. The full House will convene at 1:30 pm.