There are a few bills now making their way to the House floor as we are wrapping up the first week of the Regular Session.Today the House Public Health, Welfare, and Labor Committee advanced HB1013 which adds podiatrists to the list of healthcare providers subject to rules regarding schedule II narcotics. Schedule II narcotics include most opioid prescriptions.
The Judiciary Committee advanced HB1016 which reduces the waiting period that a court may grant a petition to seal a criminal record. The legislation reduces that period from 90 to 30 days.
Also making its way through the House, is a bill that advanced on Wednesday in the Agriculture, Forestry, and Economic Development Committee. HB1124 creates certifications for veterinary technologist and technician specialist. This legislation was drafted to address the shortage of large-animal veterinarians in the state.
The House will not meet on Monday as Arkansas honors the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King. We will reconvene on Tuesday at 1:30 pm.