More than 550 bills have made it to the Governor’s desk during this legislative session. We now begin the 11th week of the Regular Session.
The House passed more than 50 bills today including the following:
HB1634-This bill includes acts committed by a victim of human trafficking under the state’s rape shield law. Arkansas’s rape shield law prohibits an accuser's previous sexual conduct from being presented in court.
HB1695-This bill directs prosecutors to ensure children were not victims of human trafficking before they can be charged for prostitution.
HB1648-This bill will add Arkansas civil rights leaders in teaching materials regarding African-American history in a public school.
HB1786-This bill requires a public school to create and publish an online report that provides the number of students who have an exemption from the requirement to obtain vaccinations.
HB1708-This bill raises the minimum age for girls to get married. The current minimum, with parental consent, is 17 years old for boys and 16 years old for girls. This bill raises that age to 17 for girls.
HB1868-This bill allows voters to present their identification in a digital format at polling precincts.
HB1824-This bill allows recipients of the Arkansas Academic Challenge and the Governor’s Distinguished Scholarship to continue to receive a scholarship if they are enrolled part-time in their senior year of college.
HB1623-This bill requires anyone who sells a dog or a cat to provide documentation to the buyer regarding whether the dog or cat has been properly vaccinated.
Committees will begin meeting at 10 am on Tuesday. The House will convene at 1:30 pm.