· The Arkansas Department of Health (ADH) is working closely with the Arkansas Department of Human Services and the Arkansas Healthcare Association to address cases of COVID-19 in three nursing homes across the state. The nursing homes affected are Apple Creek Nursing and Rehab in Centerton, The Villages of General Baptist West in Pine Bluff and Briarwood Nursing Home and Rehab in Little Rock.
· Currently, ADH says one patient has tested positive for COVID-19 at both Apple Creek Nursing and Rehab and The Villages of General Baptist West. Thirteen cases, including patients and staff, have tested positive at Briarwood Nursing Home and Rehab in Little Rock. ADH is currently screening all other staff and residents for COVID-19 at Briarwood, and ADH staff are now onsite at Briarwood.
· Education Secretary Johnny Key announced Arkansas will be seeking a waiver for standardized testing scheduled this spring.
· The Department of Finance and Administration has advanced $30 million to help procure personal protective equipment (PPE).
· Attorney General Leslie Rutledge announced the transfer of $3 million of settlement funds from her office to the quick-action loan fund for small businesses.
· The Governor stated there is no intent to further restrict business and industry in Arkansas.
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